Peran Guru Sebagai Pendidik Berdasarkn 2 Timotius 3:10-17 Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Pembelajaran

Muner Daliman


Education is the most basic need in human life and is always changing according to the times, technology and culture of an increasingly modern society. Education from time to time always progresses rapidly, therefore the changes that occur in society are caused by the advancement of the world of education. In the era of an increasingly advanced society, to find one's identity is very difficult, therefore education is a must for humans. Every student views that it is educational institutions that can determine their future, while parents hope for school institutions to educate children to become individuals who are smart, knowledgeable, skilled, and have noble character. Researchers will discuss: First, in the learning process there is very little infrastructure that supports the learning process, so that the ongoing learning process is less effective or not in accordance with the learning objectives planned by the previous teacher. Teachers in planning learning should use the infrastructure provided by the school to the fullest, even though it is not supportive in the learning process. Second, the learning activities that take place students do not understand the material conveyed by the teacher, because the way students learn is different, it is possible that achievement uneven class learning. Therefore, professional teachers have the ability to educate, teach, train to develop and shape the personality, intelligence and skills of students optimally


Teacher's Role, Improving the Quality of Learning, II Tim.3:10-17

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