Menjalankan Amanat Agung Adalah Keharusan Bagi Orang Kristen Dan Implikasinya Pada Masa Kini
Abstract: Evangelism is a must for followers of Christ throughout the ages, from the apostles to the church fathers to the present day. In this paper, the author presents an exegetical study of the word "go, do, baptize and teach" in the text of Matthew 28:19-20, in order to understand that preaching the gospel is a necessity for Christians. Furthermore, the author also presents the results of the analysis of the exegesis study as a description for carrying out the Great Commission. The purpose of this research is that Christians, pastors or servants of God today, play a role in carrying out the Great Commission today. Because today, there are many Christians who do not want to preach the gospel. In fact, preaching the gospel based on Matthew 28:19-20, was an absolute command from the Lord Jesus Christ before He ascended to heaven. That is why the author attempts to examine the meaning of the word "go, do, baptize and teach" so that Christians today understand that the commandment to carry out the Great Commission is a mandate that must be carried out to this day.
Keywords: Great Commission, Imperative, For Christians, Today
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